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Publication meeting:

Regional Publication Meeting in Trabzon to Potential Applicants from 23 provinces of Türkiye for the 2021-2027 period of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme

28 Jun 2022

28.06.2022, Trabzon

Physical participation from Amasya, Artvin, Bartın, Bolu, Çankırı, Çorum, Düzce, Giresun, Gümüşhane, İstanbul, Karabük, Kastamonu, Kocaeli, Ordu, Sakarya, Sinop, Samsun, Rize, Tekirdağ, Tokat, Trabzon, Yalova and Zonguldak and, national and European level hybrid participation.

under the Technical Assistance for Strengthening of an Integrated Strategic Approach to Increase Efficiency and Productivity of IPA Funds During the Third Period (2021-2027)

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