Implementation of Activities
We offer turn-key solutions for whole tender/grant proposl prepration and project implementation processes or we support implementation of awarded projects as a sub-contracted service provider..
We provide following services for a project:
Partnership / Consortium Building
Proposal Preparation
Project Management
Implementation of Activities
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Implementation of Activities
We successfully implement project activities whether we fully manage or consult or only provide partly sub-contracted implementation services.
Our service index is as follows:
Service Index (in alphabetical order):
Analysis, Modelling and Impact Assessment
Audio-visual and Multimedia Creations
Awareness Raising and Publicity
Branding & Promotion
Budgeting and Financial Management Support
Civil Society & Local Dialogue
Civil Society Development
Communication Campaigns
Community-based Development
Community Engagement and Marketing
Competition Policy
Conflict Prevention
Conformity Assessment
Cost Control and Change Management
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Design and creative services
Economic Competitiveness
Editorial Services
Education and Human Resources Development
Employment and Labour Market Counselling Services
Entrepreneurship Development
Event Management
Field Research & Desk Studies
Financial Analysis
Financial Sector Regulation
Feasibility Studies and Development Appraisals
Framework Contracts Management
Grant Management
Institutional Capacity Building
Inter-cultural Dialogue
Investment Promotion
Legal Standardization and Alignment
Lifelong Learning
Lobbying and Networking
Monitoring and Evaluation
On-the Job Training
Qualitative and quantitative research
Quality Assurance and Quality Management
Partnership and Consortium Building
Performance Monitoring
PESTLE Analysis
Procurement Management Support
Programme Management
Proposal Writing
Proposal Review and Quality Reading
Regional Competitiveness
Regional Cooperation & Integration
Regional Development
Regional Planning
Risk Management
Reporting Services
Secretariat Support
Sector-Based Analysis
Smart City
SME Development
Social Inclusion
Social Integration
Social Policy
Social Services
Stakeholder and Community Consultation
State Incentives
Strategy and policy development
Strategic Planning
Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA/ EIA)
Strategy Management
SWOT Analysis
Technical Assistance
Tender Management and Assistance (for Works, Services and Supply of Goods-Equipment)
Training, Learning and Capacity Building (Physical, eLearning, Hybrid)
Training Needs Analysis
Training of Trainers
Transport Modelling
Transport Planning
Urban Design
Value-Chain Analysis
Value Management and Engineering
Vocational Education and Training
Vocational Guidance and Counselling
Vocational Qualifications
Waste & Resource Management
Water & Wastewater Engineering
Websites, Portals, Databases and Digital Solutions
Water Management
Whole Life & Life Cycle Costing