Implementation of Activities
We offer turn-key solutions for whole tender/grant proposl prepration and project implementation processes or we support implementation of awarded projects as a sub-contracted service provider..
We provide following services for a project:
Partnership / Consortium Building
Proposal Preparation
Project Management
Implementation of Activities
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Implementation of Activities
We successfully implement project activities whether we fully manage or consult or only provide partly sub-contracted implementation services.
Our service index is as follows:
Service Index (in alphabetical order):
Analysis, Modelling and Impact Assessment
Audio-visual and Multimedia Creations
Awareness Raising and Publicity
Branding & Promotion
Budgeting and Financial Management Support
Civil Society & Local Dialogue
Civil Society Development
Communication Campaigns
Community-based Development
Community Engagement and Marketing
Competition Policy
Conflict Prevention
Conformity Assessment
Cost Control and Change Management
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Design and creative services
Economic Competitiveness
Editorial Services
Education and Human Resources Development
Employment and Labour Market Counselling Services
Entrepreneurship Development
Event Management
Field Research & Desk Studies
Financial Analysis
Financial Sector Regulation
Feasibility Studies and Development Appraisals
Framework Contracts Management
Grant Management
Institutional Capacity Building
Inter-cultural Dialogue
Investment Promotion
Legal Standardization and Alignment
Lifelong Learning
Lobbying and Networking
Monitoring and Evaluation
On-the Job Training
Qualitative and quantitative research
Quality Assurance and Quality Management
Partnership and Consortium Building
Performance Monitoring
PESTLE Analysis​
Procurement Management Support
Programme Management
Proposal Writing
Proposal Review and Quality Reading
Regional Competitiveness
Regional Cooperation & Integration
Regional Development
Regional Planning
Risk Management
Reporting Services
Secretariat Support
Sector-Based Analysis
Smart City
SME Development
Social Inclusion
Social Integration
Social Policy
Social Services
Stakeholder and Community Consultation
State Incentives
Strategy and policy development
Strategic Planning
Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA/ EIA)
Strategy Management
SWOT Analysis
Technical Assistance
Tender Management and Assistance (for Works, Services and Supply of Goods-Equipment)
Training, Learning and Capacity Building (Physical, eLearning, Hybrid)
Training Needs Analysis
Training of Trainers
Transport Modelling
Transport Planning
Urban Design
Value-Chain Analysis
Value Management and Engineering
Vocational Education and Training
Vocational Guidance and Counselling
Vocational Qualifications
Waste & Resource Management
Water & Wastewater Engineering
Websites, Portals, Databases and Digital Solutions
Water Management
Whole Life & Life Cycle Costing