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Project Management

We offer turn-key solutions for whole tender/grant proposl prepration and project implementation processes or we support implementation of awarded projects as a sub-contracted service provider..


We provide following services for a project:

  1. Partnership / Consortium Building

  2. Proposal Preparation

  3. Project Management

  4. Implementation of Activities

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

  6. Reporting


Project Management

We base our approach to the project management on the principles of “Professional Project Management”, preferably implemented by experts who are awarded Project Management Professional (PMP)® certificate (or any other relevant certification type) publishes by Project Management Institute (PMI®) or able to provide proven project experience(s) in the field and, "ROM (Results Oriented Monitoring)" based on European Union ROM handbook.

We strictly apply these principles throughout the projects which we implement; starting from the Inception phase until the end of the action and, help for applying of these principles to our clients for the projects which we only provide consulting and/or sub-contracted implementation services. 


Theoretical and practical project management knowledge provided by the Project Management Institute are utilised within the scope of Professional Project Management Approach.


We manage the projects in ten knowledge areas as follows:


  • Integration Management

  • Scope Management

  • Cost Management

  • Time Management

  • Quality Management

  • Human Resources

  • Communication Management

  • Risk Management

  • Procurement Management

  • Stakeholder Management


You can also visit "Implementation of Activities" part to see our service index which we successfully implement whether we fully manage or consult or provide partly sub-contracted implementation services.

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