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Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

We offer turn-key solutions for whole tender/grant proposl prepration and project implementation processes or we support implementation of awarded projects as a sub-contracted service provider..


We provide following services for a project:

  1. Partnership / Consortium Building

  2. Proposal Preparation

  3. Project Management

  4. Implementation of Activities

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

  6. Reporting


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

We provide Project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services to the programme owners, programme donors, National Programme Coordinators (i.e. NIPAC authorities for IPA: Instruments for Pre-Accession, Programme), Operational Beneficiaries and Grantees. 


For the European Union (EU) funded projects, monitoring services are mainly based on principles of "ROM (Results Oriented Monitoring)" linked to European Union ROM handbook and, Evaluation services are based on "the evaluation methodological approach of the EU". Furthermore, we follow required terms and contents of grant agreement or ToR document of tender while providing M&E services accordingly.


Beside of abovementioned services, we also provide more comprehensive management and capacity development services in M&E as follows:


Performance management systems

Designing and implementing performance monitoring and evaluation systems so that projects teams track the progress of their projects and assess them against planned results in order to achieve maximum impact and enhance learning and accountability.


Monitoring capacity development

Carrying out M&E capacity assessment to determine M&E gaps in the organization and building performance management capacity for programs, projects, donors and implementing partners.

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