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National Aid and Cooperation Programmes

We offer turn-key solutions for whole tender preparation and project implementation processes or we support you for a part of it as a sub-contracted service provider.


We provide following services under this section:

  1. Partnership / Consortium Building

  2. Proposal Preparation

  3. Project Management

  4. Implementation of Activities

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

  6. Reporting

Partnership / Consortium Building

A Highly-Experienced Consortium Acting as a Single Unit

We link local and regional actors for national and international actions under grant programmes or tenders.


We establish consortiums which will work as an integrated structure and not as a loosely connected entity, in this way - we believe - we will be able to deliver the best quality services. The members of consortiums bring complementary skills, technical expertise and experience to projects and, together can provide a wide range of services required by the grant guidelines or ToR for tenders.​


If you are looking for reliable partner(s) for your consortium to apply to a grant programme or submit a proposal for a tender, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to discuss collaboration opportunities via our wide range of network contains public and private institutions such public central and local authorities, municipalities, NGOs, CSOs, universities, research centers, TTOs, industrial zones, chamber of commerce etc. 


In case, you are looking for a consortium to join, please contact us.


Our focus network and expertise regions are alphabetically Bulgaria, Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Romania and Türkiye (additionally Turkish Cypriot Community)


Proposal Preparation

We are happy to customize  a solution package from the initial crafting of proposal that more closely meets your proposal preparation needs. It truly is a collaborative, hands-on approach.


Here are some quality essentials of our consulting services for proposal preparation:


Results-oriented and profitable design:

Working with project design teams and local stakeholders to design projects and proposals with clear, realistic, achievable and measurable development outcomes to improve impact.



We know what funders and beneficiaries are looking for and, are non-dilutive funding subject matter experts.



We provide a collaborative iterative experience with all proposals.


Real time:

Follow the team's progress in real time and see the status of the projects.


Project Management

We base our approach to the project management on the principles of “Professional Project Management”, preferably implemented by experts who are awarded Project Management Professional (PMP)® certificate (or any other relevant certification type) publishes by Project Management Institute (PMI®) or able to provide proven project experience(s) in the field and, "ROM (Results Oriented Monitoring)" based on European Union ROM handbook.

We strictly apply these principles throughout the projects which we implement; starting from the Inception phase until the end of the action and, help for applying of these principles to our clients for the projects which we only provide consulting and/or sub-contracted implementation services. 


Theoretical and practical project management knowledge provided by the Project Management Institute are utilised within the scope of Professional Project Management Approach.


We manage the projects in ten knowledge areas as follows:


  • Integration Management

  • Scope Management

  • Cost Management

  • Time Management

  • Quality Management

  • Human Resources

  • Communication Management

  • Risk Management

  • Procurement Management

  • Stakeholder Management


You can also visit "Implementation of Activities" part to see our service index which we successfully implement whether we fully manage or consult or provide partly sub-contracted implementation services.


Implementation of Activities

We successfully implement project activities whether we fully manage or consult or only provide partly sub-contracted implementation services. 


Our service index is as follows:


Service Index (in alphabetical order):

  • Accreditation

  • Analysis, Modelling and Impact Assessment

  • Audio-visual and Multimedia Creations

  • Awareness Raising and Publicity

  • Branding & Promotion

  • Budgeting and Financial Management Support

  • Civil Society & Local Dialogue

  • Civil Society Development

  • Clustering

  • Communication Campaigns

  • Community-based Development

  • Community Engagement and Marketing

  • Competition Policy

  • Competitiveness

  • Conflict Prevention

  • Conformity Assessment

  • Cost Control and Change Management

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis

  • Design and creative services

  • Economic Competitiveness

  • Editorial Services

  • Education and Human Resources Development

  • Employment and Labour Market Counselling Services

  • Entrepreneurship Development

  • Ethics

  • Event Management

  • Field Research & Desk Studies

  • Financial Analysis

  • Financial Sector Regulation 

  • Feasibility Studies and Development Appraisals

  • Framework Contracts Management

  • Grant Management

  • Incubation

  • Institutional Capacity Building

  • Inter-cultural Dialogue

  • Investment Promotion

  • Legal Standardization and Alignment

  • Lifelong Learning

  • Lobbying and Networking

  • Masterplanning

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

  • On-the Job Training

  • Qualitative and quantitative research

  • Quality Assurance and Quality Management

  • Partnership and Consortium Building

  • Performance Monitoring

  • PESTLE Analysis​

  • Procurement Management Support

  • Programme Management

  • Proposal Writing

  • Proposal Review and Quality Reading

  • Regional Competitiveness

  • Regional Cooperation & Integration

  • Regional Development

  • Regional Planning

  • Risk Management

  • Reporting Services

  • Secretariat Support

  • Sector-Based Analysis

  • Smart City

  • SME Development

  • Social Inclusion

  • Social Integration

  • Social Policy 

  • Social Services

  • Stakeholder and Community Consultation

  • State Incentives

  • Strategy and policy development

  • Strategic Planning

  • Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA/ EIA)

  • Strategy Management 

  • Sustainability

  • Surveys

  • SWOT Analysis

  • Technical Assistance

  • Tender Management and Assistance (for Works, Services and Supply of Goods-Equipment)

  • Training, Learning and Capacity Building (Physical, eLearning, Hybrid)

  • Training Needs Analysis

  • Training of Trainers

  • Transport Modelling

  • Transport Planning

  • Urban Design

  • Value-Chain Analysis

  • Value Management and Engineering 

  • Vocational Education and Training 

  • Vocational Guidance and Counselling

  • Vocational Qualifications

  • Waste & Resource Management

  • Water & Wastewater Engineering

  • Websites, Portals, Databases and Digital Solutions

  • Water Management

  • Whole Life & Life Cycle Costing


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

We provide Project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services to the programme owners, programme donors, National Programme Coordinators (i.e. NIPAC authorities for IPA: Instruments for Pre-Accession, Programme), Operational Beneficiaries and Grantees. 


For the European Union (EU) funded projects, monitoring services are mainly based on principles of "ROM (Results Oriented Monitoring)" linked to European Union ROM handbook and, Evaluation services are based on "the evaluation methodological approach of the EU". Furthermore, we follow required terms and contents of grant agreement or ToR document of tender while providing M&E services accordingly.


Beside of abovementioned services, we also provide more comprehensive management and capacity development services in M&E as follows:


Performance management systems

Designing and implementing performance monitoring and evaluation systems so that projects teams track the progress of their projects and assess them against planned results in order to achieve maximum impact and enhance learning and accountability.


Monitoring capacity development

Carrying out M&E capacity assessment to determine M&E gaps in the organization and building performance management capacity for programs, projects, donors and implementing partners.



We are highly aware that the preparation and approval of progress reports and final report are one of the most critical steps since the whole implementation and success of a project could be monitored through these reports.


Specifically Progress Reports will provide short description of conducted interventions and project progress (technical and financial) including problems encountered, planned work for the next months accompanied by an invoice and the expenditure verification report. The reports will also provide sufficiently detailed information which accurately reflects the progress of the programme in the light of its objectives, indicators, the work-plan and the budget.


We provide support services for reporting according to required terms and contents of grant agreement or ToR document of tender.


The content of the Progress Reports will include, but will not be limited to, the followings:


  • Short Description of Technical and Financial Progress,

  • The progress of the Project interventions with the descriptions of the main difficulties and the results achieved,

  • Assessment of success and major constraints per activity and tasks,

  • Overall achievements of the programme,

  • Recommendations for future actions to ensure sustainability to the programme interventions,

  • A review of problems encountered during the implementation of the interventions and the corrective measures taken,

  • A detailed work plan for the defined following period and preliminary recommendations/measures for the period,

  • Assessment of success and major constraints per activity and tasks,

  • Overall achievements of the Project,

  • A summary of the financial status of the implementation of the Project, including a detailed description of the Experts,

  • Invoice, Expenditure Verification Report.

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