15 Sept 2022
The Final Conference of Technical Assistance for the Evaluation of 2014, 2015 and 2016 Turkey Annual Programmes project which has been implemented in Türkiye within the framework of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), held in Ankara, HiltonSA Hotel on 15th of September 2022.
This evaluation exercise conducted nine thematic evaluations across 6 sectors, extending the scope over 43 Activities (referred the generic term of” intervention”) of the 2014 -2015 and 2016 IPA Annual Programmes. In total, more than 452 mil EUR worth of assistance was covered by the evaluation exercise. The project Final Conference was organised to share the evaluation results and experience with all relevant stakeholders with the participation of decision makers, sector representatives, evaluation experts, academicians and other stakeholders. Over 150 professionals participated to the conference.
The conference started with opening speeches delivered by Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs, Director General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation, Mr. Bülent Özcan and Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, the Head of Cooperation, Mr. Sn. André LYS.
The key messages of the conference focused on inspiring and motivating all stakeholders to make the best use of this evaluation experience,
- with appropriate ACTIONS,
- with full COMMITMENT,
- looking for continuous IMPROVEMENT.
During the conference following sessions held;
· The evaluation experience and deliverables (InProvE-Technical Assistance Team, Team Leader, Ms. Liliana Lucaciu and Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs, the Head of Department of Monitoring and Evaluation, Ms. Cemre Güzel),
· The evaluation benefits (Presentations from Lead institutions and final beneficiaries)
· Making the best use of the evaluation results - Panel discussion (Presentations from sector academicians and experts, Moderated by Ms. Ms. Sophie Papalexiou, Particip GmbH Partner)
The hybrid conference was live on YouTube channel of Directorate for EU Affairs as well as via Zoom link with Turkish and English simultaneous translation options.
Video of the event is available on YouTube archive of Directorate for EU Affairs https://www.youtube.com/abbaskanligi